Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Week 4

After completing the video segments and homework for Week IV, you should be able to: (VIDEO 1)

- recognize, spell and correctly use the names of different academic subjects
- correctly use the verb AIMER to say what things you like and don't like
- use basic structures of negation
- say what activities and pastimes you enjoy- say what foods you like and don't like
- correctly use the definite articles LE, LA and LES when discussing likes and dislikes

(VIDEO 2) Part 1: - understand the difference in form and usage between definite articles and indefinite articles


- correctly use the phrase "il y a" ("there is"/"there are")
- recognize, be able to write and correctly pronounce vocabulary related to the home


For this week's written homework, you will compose two short paragraphs:

Paragraph 1 :

Give the following information :
1. How many courses you have this semester.
2. What the classes are.
3. At least one adjective to describe each course. (Use your textbook or for adjectives)

SAMPLE PARAGRAPH :Ce semestre, j’ai cinq cours. J’ai un cours de biologie, un cours d’histoire, un cours d’anglais, un cours de français et un cours de commerce. Le cours de biologie est difficile. Le cours d’histoire est intéressant. Le cours d’anglais est facile. Le cours de français est amusant. Le cours de commerce est compliqué.

Paragraph 2:

1. Review the indefinite articles UN, UNE and DES (les articles indéfinis) using THIS PAGE of your online textbook and THIS VIDEO.
2. Review the vocabulary for the different rooms of the house on THIS PAGE of your online textbook.
3. Write a short description of what rooms there are where you live, using this vocabulary and the phrases “chez moi” [at my house] and “il y a”.

EXAMPLE:Chez moi, il y a deux salles de bains, des chambres, une salle de séjour, une cuisine, un garage et un grenier.

4. Submit these paragraphs as usual by composing your text using the "Type in French" page, and then by clicking on the "Written Homework" button in the left-hand toolbar of this screen, and then click on "Written Homework Week Four".

1. Practice reading your second paragraph (the one about your homes) aloud.
2. When you feel comfortable with your reading, record yourself reading it using the Audio Drop Box as usual (click on the "Spoken Homework" link in the sidebar of this page).

Let me know if you have any questions!

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