Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 3

After completing the video segments and homework for Week II, you should be able to:
- recognize, spell and correctly use vocabulary used to talk about members of the family
- correctly use the verb AVOIR and the definite articles UN and UNE to say what family members (brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.) you have
- say the names of family members using the correct form of the verb S'APPELER
- correctly use the verb AVOIR to give the ages of family members

CLICK HERE for the family vocabulary from Chapter 2
CLICK HERE for the "La famille" practice page.
CLICK HERE for the Online Textbook page containing "L'alphabet" ("Chapter 0")

You will compose a paragraph about your family (30 words minimum per paragraph).
Give the following information:
1. How many brothers and sisters you have.
2. Their names.
3. Their ages (“written out” using letters)
4. At least one adjective describing each person (use your textbook or wordreference.com for adjectives)

SAMPLE PARAGRAPH:J’ai un grand frère et une petite sœur. Mon frère s’appelle Scott. Il a quarante-deux ans. Il est très travailleur [hard-working] et sérieux. Ma sœur s’appelle Sheri. Elle a trente-cinq ans. Elle est petite et sympathique. I suggest you use the "Type in French" page to type your paragraphs. Then submit by clicking on the "Written Homework" button in the left-hand toolbar of this screen, and then click on "Written Homework Week Three".

SPOKEN HOMEWORK:For your spoken homework, you'll review "subject pronouns", which are words like "je", "tu", "il" and "elle", and work on a few more like these that we haven't used as much.

1. Study the explanation on THIS PAGE of your textbook.
2. When you feel you understand the subject pronouns, complete the self-correcting exercises at the bottom of THIS PAGE.
3. When you have correct answers for this exercise, practice reading the answers. Read the ENTIRE sentence and pay attention to pronunciation.
4. When you feel comfortable with your reading of the sentences, record yourself reading them aloud using the Audio Drop Box (click on "Spoken Homework" in the left-hand toolbar of this page) as you did in Week I.

Email me with any questions or problems you may have.

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