Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Week 1

After completing the video segments and homework for Week I, you should be able to:

(VIDEO 1) http://youtu.be/tPyMEqVLF9M

- introduce yourself to others- understand and pronounce masculine and feminine adjectives, including adjectives of nationality
- distinguish and pronounce nasal and vocal vowels
- correctly identify and use formal and informal pronouns (tu and vous)

(VIDEO 2) http://youtu.be/PjKHxYtYOpI

- ask how others are doing, using both formal and informal structures
- respond to similar questions about yourself
- know and use present tense forms of the verb ÊTRE
- pronounce the forms of the verb ÊTRE using nasal and vocal vowels
- give descriptions of people and personalities, using masculine and feminine adjectives an the verb ÊTRE

When you feel comfortable with the content you've seen and practiced above, you can complete this week's homework assignments, given here:WRITTEN HOMEWORK:


2. Study the masculine and feminine forms of the adjectives in your online textbook, HERE, HERE and HERE.

3. Compose five sentences describing yourself using JE + CORRECT FORM OF ETRE + AN ADJECTIVE (masculine or feminine, depending on your gender).

4. Compose five sentences about a male member of your family (father, brother, cousin, etc.) using IL + CORRECT FORM OF ETRE + AN ADJECTIVE (masculine). Tell me which member of the family you are talking about by writing (father)/(brother)/(cousin) in parentheses before the sentences.

5. Compose five sentences about a female member of your family (mother, sister, cousin, etc.) using ELLE + CORRECT FORM OF ETRE + AN ADJECTIVE (feminine). Tell me which member of the family you are talking about by writing (mother)/(sister)/(cousin) in parentheses before the sentences.I suggest you use THIS WEBSITE to compose your 15 sentences, so that you can place the correct accents in the words.

6. Submit your 15 sentences by clicking on the "Written Homework" button in the left-hand toolbar of this screen, and then click on "Written Homework Week One"

I suggest you use adjectives from your online textbook, but if you would like to be more adventurous you can find other adjectives in the masculine and feminine forms at www.wordreference.com .

1. Practice reading your homework aloud, with attention to the pronunciation.
2. Record your sentences on Vocaroo.
3. Send a link of your recording to my email address ldevaloes@frederick.edu

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